Ainbo 2021 Movie Story Explained | Spirit of the Amazon Film Reviews Summarized

   Ainbo 2021 Movie Story Explained  | Spirit of the Amazon Film Reviews Summarized   

                                 Movie starts with orphan kid Ainbo who lives in Amazon forest village Candamo  Ainbo wants to be an amazing huntress. One day she gets trapped in her own trap.  Candamo chief Huarinka is very sick as evil spirit has cursed the village. That’s why people  Are getting sick & slowly die. Huarinka is afraid he will die soon  He calls his daughter Zumi, Ainbo’s best friend & makes her village new chief  Atok, village best warrior, comes to Ainbo. He dislikes Ainbo, instead of helping her,  

                          He leaves her hanging there. Zumi ceremony starts but Ainbo doesn’t come, Zumi is angry at her  As her best friend is not with her on an important day, spirit animals Vaca & Dillo come to help  They saved Ainbo, now she thinks them as her spirit guide, they take her to meet Zumi  She thinks they can all together remove curse from village. Ainbo gifts her spirit guides  They ask her to bring them but Vaca & Dillo don’t come forward. 

                            All laugh at Ainbo  She runs from there sadly, she meets Vaca & Dillo who apologize for not coming to ceremony  They tell her she can remove curse off village, for this she has to find spirit Motelo Mama in forest  Only she can fight & beat evil spirit. Ainbo directly goes to Zumi  But Zumi doesn’t believe her, instead of helping her to find Motelo Mama  She orders her not to leave village, Ainbo sadly goes to Chuni who is Ainbo & Zumi caretaker  Chuni has brought up Ainbo like her own daughter. 

                        She tells her  She promised Ainbo’s mom Lizeni to take care of Ainbo & says she is just like her mom  Her mom was an excellent huntress, she could see spirit guides. A smoke snake watches them  At morning, Ainbo goes to Zumi so Chuni can tell her about Lizeni & Ainbo is right about spirit guides  

                        They see Chuni has died. Atok blames the curse which is on village only because of Ainbo  Ainbo leaves while crying. Atok tells Zumi that everyone knows Ainbo is the curse  They have to end her to remove troubles of the village. 

                        Zumi disagrees with Atok  Without listening to Zumi, Atok goes to search Ainbo. A little turtle comes near crying Ainbo  She thinks it’s a sign from Motelo Mama, she bravely goes in forest to find Motelo Mama  At night she calls her spirit guides but they don’t come. She gets hungry & climbs tree to get fruit  Bats attack her, spirit guides save her. Ainbo tells them about the death of Chuni.  

                      She is sad, they cheer her up. Atok finds arrows fallen by Ainbo & he follows them  Zumi tells her father that Atok blames Ainbo for the curse & has gone after her to kill her  Chief gets worried about Ainbo, he sends Zumi to stop Atok. Zumi goes with 2 warriors  In forest to find Atok. Vaca & Dillo teach Ainbo how to shoot arrows.  

                    Arrows have finished, Vaca & Dillo give her a special arrow & say it will help her in need  They go to find Great River to convince Mortelo Mama to help them  They see smoke ahead. Vaca & Dillo stop Ainbo from going further but She doesn’t listen  And climbs a tree. She sees many people with machinery who cut trees to destroy forest  Ainbo sees a man, from whom shadow snakes appear. 

                    They heard her & Chuni that day  Vaca & Dillo saves her from their manipulations. That man sends shadow snakes after them  They escape shadow snakes by jumping in water. Snakes then stop following them  Ainbo thinks this river is special & follows it to find Motelo Mama alone  Atok finds Ainbo & makes her hostage. Ainbo thinks Zumi has sent Atok to bring her back  But Atok says Zumi has sent him to kill Ainbo.  

                        Ainbo runs but Atok almost captures her when earth vibrates  Getting opportunity, Ainbo escapes. Atok faints & Ainbo goes inside the broken earth  Ainbo falls in water. It has many turtles. Ainbo wakes up to see a beautiful place  Suddenly she feels earthquake, Ainbo gets scared & hides behind a rock  She sees a giant turtle comes out of waterfall, it was Motelo Mama  Motelo Mama tells her mom’s spirit is really in that tree which she talks to often  Ainbo says she can’t save her village alone,

                        she is sacred & lonely girl  Motelo Mama says she can’t help her as she herself is very scared.  Because when that curse started, her many children died. People have stopped believing in spirits  From that time, Motelo Mama has come here away from people  Ainbo is worried what will happen now.     

                        Motelo Mama says Ainbo can fix all this  Her mom’s tree is magical, if Ainbo cuts that tree with broken moonstone knife  Then curse will end. Motelo Mama shows her the way to a mountain  There she will get moonstone from a giant spirit  Ainbo goes to that mountain  

                        Atok meets machinery man again. Ainbo gets tired while going to mountain  Her spirit guides come back who tell that Giant Spirit is rude and aggressive  They’ll have to take fruit tree to make him happy. Vaca and Dillo make cart  They go to giant spirit with tree but cart falls back  Zumi goes in forest with guards and meets Atok who introduces Mr. DeWitt to her  He was an experimenter who made medicine from trees  These medicine can cure her father and villagers.             

                            It is a disease not a curse  He agrees to give medicine in exchange for her help with digging land for gold  Zumi agrees. Ainbo tells Giant Spirit that Motelo Mama sent her  So Giant Spirit gives her moon drop without question  He gets happy seeing fruit tree and turns moon drop into knife  Ainbo thinks everything will be alright but volcano erupts  They run and think of using flyer to fly away but fan breaks as Vaca was heavy  So he lets other two go on fan and they are saved  Vaca was running with help of cart but falls in volcano hole  And he reaches Ainbo & Dillo by its pressure. Ainbo was going to cut tree  Zumi comes and tells her father is better now. Ainbo goes with her leaving knife  She recognizes DeWitt. Ainbo tries to convince Zumi that DeWitt is not a good man  He is a demon. This village is cursed. 

                            She can see spirit guides  Zumi does not believe her and sends hopeless Ainbo away  DeWitt follows Ainbo and reaches her home but Ainbo gets away  Atok sees her going out of hut. He sees DeWitt in demon form in hut and realizes he is Yacurana  Atok goes to Ainbo and asks forgiveness for not believing her  Yacurana controls Zumi and her father by using magic  Ainbo cuts tree with knife but nothing happens. Ainbo tears make knife disappear  Her mother Lizani’s Spirit comes who tells that she sent Vaca & Dillo for Ainbo’s help  She told to make special arrow.

                     She casts spell on arrow and gives it to Ainbo  When they hear machinery, she sends Ainbo to village with Atok & Spirit Guides  She goes to stop machinery. Yacuruna make villagers his slaves  Lizeni forces workers to leave with their machines. 

                        Atok tells that Lizeni died due to Atok’s jealousy  Lizeni calls Yacuruna Will and tries to tell that he is doing wrong  It is revealed that Lizeni saved Will named person’s life  And brought him to village. Villagers accepted him. 

                        Lizeni and Will fell in love  Atok loved Lizeni and became jealous of them so he told villagers Will put spell on Lizeni  It happened before Ainbo’s birth so Atok also hates Ainbo  And wanted to kill her but chief saved her. 

                            Lizeni & Will’s love became their enemy  Lizeni was saved by forest spirits and made her like them  But Yacuruna controlled Will and made him search for gold  Yacruna comes to original form and takes Zumi with him  Atok goes on machine to save Zumi. Ainbo hits Yacuruna with arrow and saves her father  Atok is saved by Vaca. 

                            Zumi comes to senses but machine was going to break  Atok tells her to jump and he saves Zumi. Ainbo meets her parents  Who make Atok her guardian and go to spirit realm  Ainbo and Zumi become friends. Everyone li    

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