Dynamos 5 Greatest Magic Tricks Finally Revealed #3

Dynamos 5 Greatest Magic Tricks Finally Revealed #3
talented people who can even defy the rules of reality and one amongst them is dynamo the magician impossible who has the ability to mesmerize anyone by his amazing talent but have you ever wondered how does he do it also do you know that dynamo used a concept of physics in one of his most famous tricks watch this video till the end to find out that secret as you'll be really surprised so be it his amazing skateboard trick or his famous walk down a building hello and welcome back and today we're going to unlock the top secrets behind dynamos greatest magic tricks of all time so
let's get started at number 5
walking down a building dynamo the magician beyond imagination is once again on fire to trick the people on the streets in this trick dynamo stood at the edge of a building top and to the excitement of the audience he suddenly gets his body fall horizontally with only the feet of dynamo attached to the edge of the building and if that wasn't enough dynamo even started walking down the building with such an ease everyone on
the street just couldn't believe their eyes and started running towards the building to see closely how a man could walk down the building this way well if you're really curious to know how he did it then here's the secret dynamo here uses an old classical trick of levitation with wire supported his back to hold him straight and make the entire trick come alive firstly the entire trick is performed at nighttime which conceals the thin wire which could now be rarely seen in the dark also the wire used by dynamo is very thin and has a very high tensile strength to hold a man quite firmly in its place the wire is attached to a mechanism quite possibly a crane at the top of the building and the wire is tilted at an angle that pushes dynamo toward the building wall and disallows any fluctuations as he walks so there are no supernatural powers but a thin wire
mechanism to walk him down the building
number four
the magic polo trick this trick from the dynamo is quite an incredible trick too in this trick dynamo asks for
A mint and after eating that polo mint he takes off his necklace after placing that necklace over his neck he seemed to shove the necklace through his neck and to everyone's shock he pulls out the
it well before revealing the secret if you haven't subscribed to our channel that you can get instant notifications of our new video uploads now to trick the audience this is what the dynamo did he applied some glue on his neck and we rub the necklace against the glue and tilted his head the glue made
the skin to stick with the necklace inside it which actually created the scene as if the necklace was shoved inside of his neck and the polo mints that were wrapped in the necklace after pulling it off were not from his neck but from his right hand he didn't actually eat the polo mints but he acted as if he ate it and secretly kept it in his hand then after taking off the necklace he very easily slipped that polo mint from one end and held that in his left hand
in this footage, you can actually see an extra part of the necklace that he holds in his left hand and this is the part through which he had slipped that polo mint now when he pulls the necklace from his sticky skin he very quickly releases that extra part with the polo mint from mint had also been pulled out from his neck
number three
The skateboard trick to perform this trick dynamo takes a skateboard from DJ which has three monkey figures with sunglasses imprinted on it dynamo then uses that skateboard and hides his face behind it now when he quickly puts that skateboard back down at that very moment of taking it down
the sunglasses from the centre monkey disappears and what we see is a dynamo how has the same sunglasses over his face now this is one of the trickiest of all magic tricks ever performed by a dynamo as this trick doesn't have any camera cuts or angle changes involved during the actual performance the secret to this trick is quite difficult to understand but we have almost figured it out and here's the secret
now the skateboard here forms the key part of this trick and if you look closely in the video after handing over the skateboard to the dynamo there's a camera cut involved and it's during this cut that the skateboard is exchanged with the gimmick skateboard using which Dynamo goes on to perform the trick so the entire trick involves two parts first the disappearing of the sunglasses from the monkeys face and the second the appearance of sunglasses on dynamos face for disappearing the sunglasses from the monkeys face a mechanism is built into the skateboard when dynamo takes the skateboard down the sunglasses are pulled inside the helmet that the monkey seems to be wearing which you can clearly see if we slow down the video this is done using a pull mechanism
which has its controls at the end of the skateboard that are easy for the dynamo to handle when dynamo takes the skateboard down he simply clicks on the control at the end that pulls in the sunglasses and this is how he makes them disappear but there's the tricky part from where exactly did the sunglasses over dynamos face appear well the skateboard that you see has sunglasses embedded into the top black side at its back also you can note that the top of the skateboard and the sunglasses frame are of the same black colour now using a similar control mechanism when dynamo uses that control
it simply pulls up the hinges of the sunglasses and opens them up and at the last moment the sunglasses pop out of the skateboard and get over the face of the dynamo which you can even make out from
the reaction on dynamos neck muscles before the sunglasses appear on his face his neck muscles are relaxed but after the sunglasses appear his neck muscles are stretched up which makes it clear as if something has hit his face due to which his neck muscles got stretched up and the final thing to be noticed is the
top of the skateboard was never again shown in the video after the trick was finally performed at
number two
Hand through glass dynamo once went to the frost of London jewellery shop and the stuff he did in that shop was just unbelievable in this trick dynamo passes his right hand through the glass to get a beautiful wristband for the beautiful Pussycat Doll Kimberly Wyatt so once again, as usual, this is a completely planned trick and here's the secret
the entire glass through which dynamo passed his hand to get to the wristband actually has a hole in it but the question that arises why isn't that hole visible well if you look in the video you can see this green mat resting on the glass and the only reason for that mat to be present there is to hide the hole the glass here has a movable mechanism and as dynamo gets into the position to get the wristband the glass is moved and the hole is now easily accessible to dynamo also this entire setup is hidden by dynamos left hand now through the whole dynamo easily gets to the wristband and takes it out
after taking out the wristband the glass is moved back to its original position with the hole again underneath the mat and this is how dynamo made the trick look seamlessly possible
so finally dynamos
number one
the trick in our list flying in Rio there was quite a buzz all around Rio when dynamo decided to perform this trick in this trick dynamo decided to amaze the people of Rio with his unique skills of levitation here dynamo can be seen flying in the air in front of the famous statue of Jesus Christ since the place was all crowded most explanations you must have seen for this trick revolves around the use of Stooges ropes wires and all but we have some other explanation for this trick here the flying levitation performed by dynamo uses a very important principle of physics
since the dynamo was in the middle of a huge crowd and the place was also at a high altitude use of any rope and wire mechanism is quite difficult to execute at this place instead he use the principle of magnetic levitation which we can nowadays see in the electronic devices and gadgets and this is how the magnetic levitation works as most of you already know when an electric current passes through a wire it behaves like a magnet this is called the magnetic effect of electric current also a current-carrying coil of an insulated wire wrapped around a piece of iron is called an electromagnet the power of this electromagnet can be increased by increasing the number of turns of the coil or by increasing the flow of current through the coil and this concept is exactly
what dynamo was used to perform this trick now it must be clear a magnetic field setup was laid underneath the dynamo to start off the trick he simply reaches the place with the magnetic field around and then the mechanism is started and controlled by one of the members as we know like poles of a magnet repel each other so when an electric current is passed through the magnetic setup the magnetic pole created was the same as the magnetic pole under the magnetic shoes worn by dynamo
now the secret becomes even clearer as the intensity of the electric current gradually increased simultaneously the repulsion effect also increased which created the belief that dynamo is Leavitt in the air also the limitation of the magnetic field allows dynamo to levitate only till a certain height in the air and as the intensity of the current decreased repulsion effect also decreased so after flying and shocking
the audience around him he slowly gets down and walks away leaving the crowd in a real thoughtful situation so guys hope you've got the secrets behind dynamo's greatest magic tricks which dynamo trick did you like the most in part 4 of dynamos greatest tricks you'll get to know the secret behind the famous levitation dynamo performed on Lindsay Lohan so stay tuned for that also if you have any dynamo trick in mind leave us the name of that trick below so that we can try our best to figure out the secret in our next video do like and share this video with your friends on social media for more such amazing