Dynamos one of the greatest magicians of our times is quite good at his skills Dynamo's 5 Greatest Magic Tricks Finally Revealed #2 |

Dynamos one of the greatest magicians of our times is quite good at his skills Dynamo's 5 Greatest Magic 


                         Dynamo one of the greatest magicians of our times is quite good at his skills  and that's the reason his magic still remains a mystery to most of us Wow so being his famous fish from a bucket trick or walking through a glass trick hello and welcome back and today we're gonna unlock the top secrets behind dynamos greatest magic tricks of all time so 

                Let's get started at 

    Below is the featured list of Dynamo's 5 greatest magic tricks revealed:  

     number 5  Scarf through Phone Trick

                    scarf through phone trick dynamo is one person who can impress girls like no one else and that's all because of his great magic skills and here is one of his amazing tricks he takes a scarf from a lady and holds it in both his hands then he borrows a phone from that same lady

    and steps behind to perform this trick now holding the phone behind the scarf with his left hand he makes that scarf penetrate right through that phone thus shocking us all so how did he do it well Now let's get to the secret if you see carefully dynamo first holds the scarf with both his hands and during the camera angle change he brings the scarf on to his right hand and this hand switch forms the key part of the trick and this is how he holds the scarf in his right hand which you can make out

                the way he holds the scarf in that hand now after taking the phone from that lady he carefully places it in that loop between the sc arf with the illusion that the phone is behind the scarf in addition to all of this there's one important gimmick which makes this trick

                    look even more convincing that gimmick is this pea shaped piece of plastic which is quite easy to prepare and it is this plastic loop the dynamo puts over the screen with the phone brightness turned on he then slips the scarf carefully inside that plastic loop  holds it tight with his left hand and goes on to perform the trick that amazes us all at

     number four  Fish from Bucket Trick

            fish from a bucket trick dynamo the famous magician once performed a trick in South Africa with just an empty bucket here's what he did he picked up a bucket showed it to the crowd and the TV audience that it was empty he then tilts the bucket downwards shakes it and a small fish comes out the audience have their first

                    how did he do it moment pointing downwards dynamo then shakes the bucket  even more and as you can see more and more fish come out he continues to shell out hundreds and hundreds of fish and keeps doing this for more than 30 seconds and then finally stops now as you can see here  the number of fishes that came out was just mind-blowing and you can easily figure out the fish quantity to be more than twice the size of that bucket most people who see this trick other screens

                assume one of two things one the magician has some kind of supernatural  powers or - how did he actually perform such a humanly impossible trick well here's the secret the quantity of fish that dynamo brings out is just not

    possible with a single bucket this also confirms that he uses more than one bucket to perform this trick but even then to produce that much quantity of fish there's got to be some kind of mechanism inside the bucket let's seewhat's inside the bucket there are two types of buckets used for the fish production and they are all gimmick buckets the first empty bucket was used for the single fish production and the next view for large fish production the second and third bucket can hold around 60 to 70 fish each to produce the single fish the bucket used is two layered and designed in such a way that it can hold up to three or four fish it also has a flap inside

                which creates a small pocket in the bucket through which a single fish is released when dynamo shakes it for the first time when the bucket is brought upright again the pocket closes after producing that single fish dynamo waits for a moment and thereafter keeps on producing fish for quite some time                                  

                now if you see carefully there are quite a few camera cuts and angle changes involved in this footage and it is during these camera cuts that the gimmick buckets are exchanged here's how the large fish production was performed the bucket used here has a mirror placed  at a fixed angle and the fish are placed behind that mirror the angle of the mirror is such that it reflects back the surface of the bucket onto the mirror

                this creates the illusion that the bucket is indeed empty the mirror also has a movable flap door attached at its bottom and it's through this flap door that the fishes are released one by one and a quick speed now when dynamo shakes the bucket the flap door which has a  hinge opens and closes at a quick speed for every fish released also to prevent the fish from getting out from the sides of the flap they are placed inside a plastic bag so that it gets out only from the back of the mirror the flap

                also has a cutting at its corner for its smooth movement and this is how it  actually works in between another camera cut or angle change dynamo exchanges the third bucket with a similar mechanism to produce even more fish here the illusion created is such that the TV audience gets to see

                    lots and lots of fish produced using only a single empty bucket so this is how the trick was performed now there must be questions in your mind as to how come the audience present there didn't notice the buckets being exchanged here we can only assume that the whole setup was pre-planned with most of the audience members being aware of it as This trick was performed just once by dynamo and to date it was never performed again hope you got the explanation at 

    At number 3: Walking through Glass

                    walking through glass at a glitzy party in London and under the watchful gaze of Rio Ferdinand dynamo performed a trick where he somehow managed to walk through a glass window before reimbursing on the pavement on the other side of the shop


                window obviously you can't do that but dynamo did it in front of many people and here's the little secret behind this trick the one thing that is obvious in this trick is the fact that the two bouncers who helped dynamos jacket up to create a shoulder-high scream are also involved with dynamo in the trick and  are already aware of it and the man on  the right side is also in on this trick  as he also can see what happens behind that screen now it is most likely that the solid glass windowpane had a secret  hatch at its bottom which dynamo could have opened while he was covered and here's how the gimmick siding glass

                window worked the glass window pane is much larger than it appears on the front it has a solid section at the top and a cutout section in the lower half that is hidden by the coat screen Dynamo would then slip through that cutout and the

    cutout section was slid back to its original position just before the coat screen was removed but if dynamos in a high street shop isn't that a lot of investment to build in and gimmick wall

    to do just one trick so here's another possible explanation to this trick dynamo actually walks around the window right off camera to an open door and the bouncer with the long jacket is in on the trick as you can notice how he steps     back until his jacket is touching the  other jacket and it's all covered  and this is when Dinamo makes his move  walks past him out the door and crawls past him outside the window but then

                there are people inside and also outside the shop obviously for the people inside it doesn't matter what's the real reason behind this trick they only saw dynamo  before and after the screen was raised and were amused by it and the reason no one outside reacts is they just see a guy crawling out a door and standing up looking at his reflection now isn't thata more reasonable solution than an entire gimmicked window 

    Coin through Table Trick 

                    Going through table trick dynamo performs this magic trick with a couple in a restaurant he gets a coin and places it over the glass table dynamo asks the man to put his hand below the glass table exactly where the coin is placed dynamo then moves his right hand above the coinand here's the magic the coin is now on the other side of the glass in the man's hand here's how dynamo amazed this couple with the coin this trick is  pretty simple and requires fast movement

    and accuracy without being caught dynamo actually has the same two coins one in his right hand that you can see he is actually hiding in this entire trick and  the other coin that he places over the glass table in his right hand dynamo has a strong magnet that can hold a coin even with a glass in between

                    after placing the coin in the center of the table he places his right hand flat over the table which has the magnet and then sticks his other hand with the coin in it exactly below the hand above once the coin is held by the magnet above the glass he behaves normally and also makes a check that there is no hole in the  glass and everything is real he then asks the man to place his hand below the coin with some gap between the glass in his hand the gap allows the coin to move using the magnet to get the coin exactly

                under the coin placed above dynamo then removes his hand and the coin falls in the man's hand wondering where the coin above went well it's simple the above coin got stuck onto the magnet that he had in his right hand and as he moved his hand away from the glass the coin placed below the glass using the magnet above fell on the man's hand so finally dynamos 

    number one trick 

                      IN our lists turning incense stick to fire dynamo during his India tour performed a trick where he buys a pack of incense sticks from a shopkeeper takes out one piece of stick and tells a person to hold that stick and look closely dynamo then does some magical gesture and to

                everyone's shock that incense stick catches fire so how did he do it well here's the secret before this trick was performed dynamo had already convinced the shopkeeper to give him that exact  pack of sticks he wanted for the trick  and yes the sticks inside that pack are all gimmicked sticks and here is how the stick was prepared first the incense stick was cut to a point where he wanted it to catch fire then using paper he prepared an exact replica which was a little longer than the cutout piece he then covered and stuck that replica piece over the incense stick making sure it looks like one single incense stic know you must be thinking how come the stick caught fire and that fire is the result of a chemical reaction when glycerin and potassium permanganate are mixed together now the secret must be  crystal clear to you the replica piece attached at the top of the stick was filled with potassium permanganate and before handing over the stick to that man dynamo already had some glycerine on his fingers which he rubbed it well on the replica piece at the top us making sure the chemical reaction

                takes place and the magic happens so guys hope you enjoyed the secrets behind some of dynamos greatest magic tricks which dynamo trick did you like the most we think dynamo is the greatest magician ever who do you think is the greatest 

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