Donate Hair To Cancer Patients Donate Hair Uk

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Donate Hair To Cancer Patients Donate Hair Uk


    This hair means a whole lot less to me than it does to a child who can't grow any of her own hey everybody I'm sara and welcome to the style blog let's go donate hair uk a foot of my hair today I'm actually going to take you with me to the salon today so you can see the entire before and after the process and watch when she chops all of my hair off I'm also going to go through all the steps with you of what you need to do in case you're considering donating your hair 

     So I did hours upon hours of research to find the perfect hair donation charity for me there's a lot of options and I really encourage you to research all of them to find the perfect fit for you the perfect fit for me is children with hair loss I absolutely love their mission they never charge a child for a wig they accept hair donations of eight inches or longer you can have grey hair you can have coloured hair this was all-important to me because I do colour my hair and it was a little bit hard to find a charity that did accept coloured hair I can't even imagine being a little girl and not being able to grow a whole head of beautiful hair especially 

    Now that I've had my daughter I realize how incredibly blessed we would be if she had this problem and there were selfless people out there who donated their hair their time and their money to give her a wig I pray that the small gift I'm able to provide will hopefully brighten a little girl's life and make her feel beautiful just a few tips before heading to the salon in case you're donating your hair like me make sure you read through all the rules from the specific charity 

    You've chosen so I chose children with hair loss they request that your hair is clean and dry you definitely don't want to send them wet hair they have a donation form for you to fill out on their site and you definitely want to take a ziploc baggie with you to the hair salon to collect all of your little ponytails all right so here are 12 inches

     Which is how much I'm hoping to donate off of the longest pieces but I am going to have a conversation with my hairstylist katie when I get to the salon to make sure that I can still style my hair how I want to with this length taken off all right let's drive to the salon and cut this hair off I'm so nervous I haven't cut my hair this short in about 10 years but I'm so ready

     Let's go okay so I just pulled up and I got really nervous and I'm not even sure why I feel like my hair's been my security blanket for a long time but I'm excited to let it go we're not going back now. We're not going back. Are you sure? I'm sure! I'm so sure! Here we go oh gosh. Ok just look straight ahead. Ok. Whew! Ahh! Okay oh gosh no we're good now.

     Oh my gosh! It's going to be so cute. I already like it so my charity of choice children with hair loss recommends that you section your hair into little ponytails before cutting it you want to definitely secure it with either a rubber band or a hair tie I didn't bring anything to measure my hair with and we couldn't find anything in the salon so we're just kind of winging it here hoping to get near 12 inches oh my gosh that is so much hair but I already love it guys I want to give a huge huge shout out to katie thank you so much for allowing me to film this video and also helping me donate my hair and making my hair look awesome afterwards, guys 

    If you want to look her up I'm going to link her instagram in the description below to give her some love she is so talented it's so cute. I really like it. Yes! All right! I'm also getting my hair coloured today just simply because I have a lot of growing out on my roots and I just want a colour that will go with my new cup perfectly katie you are amazing 

     I thank you so much I'm so grateful you supported me through this entire process these lamps always make me so warm and want to take a nap especially since it's only 40 degrees out today this final product is absolutely gorgeous I love it so much what the heck just happened I feel like I just spun around in my chair and lost 14 inches of my hair I'm kind of in shock but I do really really love it and the best part of this is that I get to send these hair strands 14 inches of hair in to make a wig for a little girl and hopefully 

    It makes her feel amazing so I went in thinking I'll be lucky if we get 12 inches of hair cut off and we actually ended up cutting 14 inches oh my gosh even though my hair ended up being a little bit shorter than I imagined I am so grateful that we were able to get a few more inches of hair for the donation children with hair loss says that they get so many requests for longer wigs 12 inches and up so I am ecstatic that I get to donate 14 inches today all right so now that I've cut my donate hair near me off and I have these nice pretty ponytails of hair this feels so weird holding this in my hand it was just on me right here this is so much weight I'm so happy to have this off my head okay 

    So I am going to secure them on the other end we just didn't do that when we cut it I might braid these as well just to make sure they don't come apart I also printed off my donation form on the children with hair loss website so I'm going to fill that in they will email you a donation certificate after they receive your hair donation you can also send them a check and receive a t-shirt a patch or a necklace whatever you want to receive they also kindly request a monetary donation because these wigs cost around a thousand dollars to make even though all the hair is donated so it's very very expensive to get to these children I've watched so many videos on this wig making while doing my research for hair donation 

     It seems like such a painstakingly intricate process to weave all these wigs together by hand so I can imagine that it costs so much money so I'm going to send a check-in with my hair donation as well but it's not required so next you just want to make sure all of your ponytails are secured in place by a hair tie or rubber band at the top and I'm also going to place one at the bottom just so they don't come loose in the mail you want to make sure there's plenty of donate hair Canada out the top and the bottom just so these donate hair length ties don't come loose

     Because once the hair is all mixed up they can't really use it anymore then you want to take a nice plastic storage bag such as a ziploc and place all your hair inside nice and neatly seal this up place this with your form in a mailer and mail it out to them I truly love my cut, even more, every time I look at it because I'm reminded that I was able to do something wonderful for someone else in need I encourage you if you are going to chop a lot of hair off 

    You can search on google 

    • donate hair for cancer
    • donate hair uk
    • donate hair germany
    • donate hair berlin
    • donate hair munich etc

    If you can get to that 8-inch mark or more please please donate your donate hair to cancer patients to someone who needs it more than you do next up if you want more ideas of random acts of kindness you can do to people around you I'm gonna link a video for you right up here I made it when quarantine started how you can spread love without spreading any germs I can't wait to see you there just reminding you that you are worthy and you are wonderful bye, everybody   

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