TOP 5 Dynamos Magician Best Performs Trick Revealed



                    London one of them of this non-publication is his bus location in which he appears to be flying too low underneath to her double-decker bus-only mildly holding onto the bus with one of his hands under some accidental factor the slash shop to suddenly catcher clips of man orange alongside the bus since the city like the whole thing was nothing new to him at all so how did dynamo manage to pull off this amazing feat the solution is quite simple and pretty obvious once you really think about it they use the fake up notice 

    TOP 5 Dynamo Magician Best Performs Trick Revealed
    TOP 5 Dynamos Magician Best Performs Trick Revealed

                how he right arm doesn't really or been even slightly difficult isn't really enough but rather her palms metal rod attached to this box and this guy's ass and his real arm is concealed under his boat squeeze tightly against his body he wears a harness which is connected to the metal rod and that is

                 how he to stay in their legs and his left hand ha, of course, free to move around make the illusion mobile the first dynamos is attached he so for the law surrender first he out in the middle of London the bus driver knows what is going on dad wouldn't just write off Jeff he would be awfully attached and only in the right to rule or that we get same is true for the industry he doesn't just let go of the person

                 now get gently to it's just a neat camera trick well it looks beautiful looks expensive as well that's the one yeah oh yeah watch this fascinating trick dad will push his hand right through what appears to be the firm glass cover to showcase and pull out the necklace see me moving quick and straight through the glass without any apparent problems

                 how exactly does AC dynamos do the solution is pretty simple there is a hole in the flash power in the video you see no fall in the club how is this possible the reason why we don't see the fall is that it is very cleverly concealed did you happen to notice the matter on which BIG dynamos left hand is resting why on earth is that there the answer is obviously that's rather than all in their classes you see the glass is actually mobile as slow as we can see the glass on the spot we are dynamos put six and through the whole glass is positioned so that the hole is under the mech but after dynamo conceals that the area with his other hand our vision is problems and the glass is so that the hole is right under this dynamos hands he then reached through the hole takes the necklace and take his hand out working once his hand is out the glass is moved back into the previous question concealing 

                    the hole again he didn't reuse the hand that he used to cover that area the glass under it FPS knowledge since the hole he has already be infected the moment of their fault in the glass is concealed by dynamos left-hand district Dinamo appears on the top of the pretty high building to the surprise of my standards he leans over the roof and starts walking downward he walks down the entire building and they just walked away like it was nothing people on the street I amazed and cannot 

                Dinamo loses the old freak magicians have used for centuries to create the illusion of levitation he is on a fire but how come Robert scenes this way with both starts the trick was performed at night when it was very dark ended 

                whole teams wasn't really visible did most of the spectators ha also looking at died removed from below so dynamos body helps to obscure what is happening about him but even more important than this is the kind of wire he uses it is very thick but nonetheless very strong wire probably similar to what David Copperfield use in his levitation wire that thing is hardly visible even in daylight and they are four completely smooth white night the wire is attached to something as the total community at the angle 

                which enables dynamo to work down will be without fluctuating this trick is one of the most tricky and complicated which was carried out by the famous magician dynamic soccer for only one time these two elements the world and spread this video very widely where the magician done brought the completely empty pocket and showed it to the audience and Emmas the bucket shake the bucket for more than 37 after people utilize convert it is a really end information and makes everyone puzzle and amazed by what he sees so 

                how can a small bucket out that amount of fish that is equal and shoot three times inside solve this puzzle we have only two options the first option is the connection that these magazine actually causes the miraculous power of nature by the second option after all search and in order to show to you that this video has been modified and deleted a lot of sales check out this shoot and loaded this time standing next to the medicine company after changing the angle of photography and at the same moment it turns out that the medicine from the fish and there's no child is to me so how he deserved it honey this indicates that many scenes have been deleted I think that all these viewers are also involved in the district

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