Marvel's Spider-man: Miles Morales (The Movie)

    Up until about a year ago. My life was pretty normal. I lived in the greatest place ever. Brooklyn   Represent   Had two cool parents. And loved all things science and superheroes. Everything changed though. When my dad was killed in a city hall bombing. I. I couldn't believe he was gone. But peter parker and his aunt may. They were there for me. And so was spider-man. What I later found out was Pete   Crazy, right   Then, when the devil's breath crisis started. Things got intense. It seemed like all of spidey's villains were on the loose  

             I managed to do my part to help him out. And after all that. Believe it or not. A spider bit me. And I started to. Change   I didn't want to worry my mom, so I went to pee. And now. We're officially spider-bros   He's been training me up, and I'm actually getting pretty good with this whole web-swinging thing   I'm still learning to juggle this responsibility with everything else in my life. School.Friends, a new home. I moved to Harlem a few weeks back. But I'll tell ya. I can't wait to see what the future holds   Are you registered to vote   Â¡gracias chico   Â¡de nada   That is so cool   I got you   Hey thanks   No problem. Hey, uh. You think you're gonna add that new spider-man, too   The kid   Yeah   Uh, maybe. The original's just. My guy, you know   Yeah, I know. Hey   Is.Teo's bodega around here  

     Yeah.Bright yellow sign down the block. Can't miss it. Thanks, Beautiful work, by the way   Maybe leave a little room for the new guy. Just in case. The convoy... Woo h-hoo  Let's go, Hey Pete. Headed your way   Did I miss the convoy      . not yet they're still securing a couple inmates. I bet it feels good, seeing the guys who escaped last year going back to the raft. real good the raft's an eyesore  But it's secure  As long as the octopus-related flaws have been fixed. let's hope   Okay   Closing in on you. Be there soon   Should let mom know I'll be late. miles,   qué tal did you get the shopping list. hey, mom.Uh, yeah. But, uh. The bodega was out of coconut milk. Gonna. Check a store downtown. oh, thank you but avoid midtown that prison convoy is making traffic a nightmare. oh yeah. Good call   See you at dinner, mom   Man. 

    How does Pete do this secret identity thing     It completely stresses me out   Okay, be cool. Be cool. Helping spider-man protect a giant prison convoy   You can handle this Breath in. Breathe out. Be cool   Pete. You here   Just downin' some rocket fuel. How are you? Drinking   Very.Very carefully. Okay. Go time. helix 2 on route with heavy payload copy, helix 2, we've got you on a scope  . this is.A big operation. It's gotta be. Hundreds of felons escaped from the raft last year. Now it's time to move 'em back in. Police aren't takin' any chances. Especially not with our guest of honour Getting a lot of interference here. One of those guys

                who helped doc ock is in there   Think so. Could be a vulture.Could be a scorpion.Could be. Someone bigger   O-kay, we got a problem. Hold back, miles, let me take- I got this Pete, don't worry   Miles, no   It's secure   Woah..    . you're drifting, helix 2. miles. you have a weight imbalance correct to 236. rotors unresponsive brace for impact helix 2 going down helix 2 is going down brace brace brace helix 2 is down no casualties payload compromised response team dispatched sit tight, helix 

            2. Pete, I-I'm sorry man, I-I didn't mean to... It's okay   We got this. Just need to contain it before. Before that happens. Hello.Tiny spiders. What the hell. miles  I've got rhino  But you have to contain the escapees. right.Contain.I'm on it   Pete's never gonna trust me on a mission like this again   I'm gonna... Nice work with the helicopter, kid   Real heroic stuff   Hey guys.How 'bout we call a timeout. Talk this through   Please     No. how's it lookin' out there. almost contained   Nearly. Almost contained. Can't let Pete down   Need to get this under control   Woah, great arm   You ever pitch   Seriously, you're aaa easy   Whole new career, just waitin' for ya   Man. Pete is too good    . how are the streets, spider-man. honestly   Kinda terrifying. I got the keys, let's move   Hurry up   We gotta get out of here    . miles  I'm gonna need a hand up here you free      . your holiday spirit's a little overzealous this year, Aleksei   Man... Hang on Pete, I'm comin' wanna grab takeout   Holy crap   That's not good. Oh   Hey, sorry, happy holidays. uh.   Pete .The scale of 1 to 10. How are we doin' 10 for generating spectacle, 1 for minimizing destruction tomorrow's bugle headline is gonna be a doozy.

                 The worst thing out of this is a bad headline. I'm-a counts us lucky. Oh. Crap crap, the winter bash   Pete. This is starting to feel really bad, man. ugh, Don't think like that we're going to stop him  As long as we work together speaking of  Mind giving me a hand up here    . yeah. Yeah.I got you   Okay, Pete .I got this   Take it away, cowpoke   Whoa whoa wait   Not the mall   Hang on tight tiny spider   Spider-man, hey.I need a little help   Oh, hey, Woah, Woah Woah    . comin' in hot. gotcha   And. You're safe   You too   Spider-man, whoa   Do you have any non- -destructive . 

                Hobbies     Fly fishing. On the Volga, That sounds. Nice   The power over life and death... Oh. Baby   ...Excites me   Less. Nice   Gotcha. Thank you   You're welcome. Spider-man   Don't . Scare babies   Hey. Uhh. You know you're ruining Christmas, right   The last 6 Christmases I was locked behind 30 feet of steel   I intend to enjoy this one   He's a menace   Unh. Too soft. He's a . Low energy menace   Too easy. Maybe. He's weak-minded. Ooh... Hey, jonah   Looking good   Very festive   ...Menace is feckless. Treacherous.Unhinged.Menace     Jared, he was here   Right... Here   Here, Jared    . mijo,   donde estás   It's getting late    . hey.Mom.

                Yeah.Coconut milk .Still trying to find it   Been kind of, uh . An adventure is you  Running    . yeah, uh... Sorry . Trying to catch a train   Â¡mira Hijo, no seas mentiroso grab the milk and hurry home, please. sí ma. Te Quiero mucho también te quiero now or never, miles..    . we gotta stop him    . on my way   We gotta bring him down, fast   Yeah. Yeah, what do we do   Let us raise temperature   Ohh? Bad bad, very bad   Pete . Are you okay     No? Oh, no-no-no. I'm okay     I've got him headed your way  Be ready. okay.Yeah.Might, uh.Need a minute   Show me what you got, freak   Tip for the police . Maybe don't bring RPGs to the prison convoy next time   Maybe. Don't bring RPGs anywhere   That the best you got, Aleksei   Okay, that was pretty good. Get outta here, spider-man. You're makin' things worse   Man. 

                I'm tryin' to help you   Focus fire on the platform   More guys up top   Shoot already   Pete. It's gettin' hairy out here. Police and escapees are shooting it out. Back up the police, I can hold out  A little longer. pete's counting on me   I've gotta stop these guys   They're all over that bridge   Tiny spider   Just need a few... He can't lose   He never loses. miles  Need you.   Pete     Pete   Hang on, man   Spider-man. 

                You're good   Pete.Pete   Pete. Wake up   Wake up   Wake up, man   Wake up, man   This spider-man is broken. I would like to exchange for a new one. Ah . This one will do. Miles.Get outta here   Bro . Back.The hell .Off   

         What was that   You're not gonna keep pushing people around, Aleksei   Don't come after my friends. Or I will come after you   I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone else   I am excited to see you try. Small one. He's down   Flattery's not gonna get you out of this, Aleksei   Hey   In the future. Just do the time, man   No more breakouts . Please   Is too much for you, spider   You... You know, man   Chasing you through the city kind of felt like a wild, uh . What's the word . Wild goose chase   Wild.Goose     No . No, I hate chase of goose  You alive   Kinda   Guys     Wow   Just. (laughs) wow, Simon Krieger.Head of r&d at Exxon energy. A pleasure to meet you. You too. Uh.Sorry.I think our . The ball landed in your yard. No.Actually did us a favour. We, uh. Just bought the place, uh. We're planning to . Tear it down for a build.But, uh . Looks like you beat us to it   I wanted to thank you . 

                    Both of you   Taking down rhino   Solo     You are goin' places, bud. Thanks.But, he's still dangerous. Nah... We'll . Hold him for the police. You know, I always think these super troopers are overkill, until.Mmm, something like this happens. Ope.Duty calls. Hey, uh. Really great to meet you both. (laughs) future's lookin' bright   Hello   Hey... He's right. Let's clear out. Let the police do their job. Yeah .Yeah okay. Bioelectricity.Wow, Gotta be honest.Little jealous. Hey . Look .I got nothin' on the go. Think we should run tests tomorrow   A little voltage analysis   Ohhh.Man (sigh).

                Yeah, sorry.I've been meaning to tell you.I'm not gonna be around.For the next few weeks. This is some kind of Pete joke I don't get   No.Uh, MJ's headed overseas for the bugle, and . Requested me as her photographer. Kind of a.Working vacation for us. Oh, man.Look .I don't know if I'm ready to fly solo. I screwed up today big time with the helicopter. But then you delivered big time   You saved my bacon, miles   I got lucky. Hey.I did this gig for 8 years without backup . And you better believe I screwed up lots of times.But that is how you learn. What's this   Christmas present.But first.You gotta take the oath. Oh. Um.Okay, I promise.To do everything in my power to protect this city. I promise. That's it. That oath is a real thing   Totally   Definitely didn't just make it up. See ya in a few weeks, spider-man   New york's.Only spider-man. I'm new york's only spider-man   I'm new york's only spider-man

        it     oh, mj needs me. Gotta go  bye    . gotta hit phin back when I'm finished helping unc. Oh, hey mr. Davis   I'm almost there   you gotta hurry, spider-man  underground's here  Puttin' bombs on the tracks    . bombs      For real      . guess they didn't like you fixing things  . I'll get there as soon as I can   Hang tight .And don't go outside   Gotta stop this quick    . they're gonna blow the whole line    . not if I can help it   Watch out   Hope webs work   Okay .Bombs are down   Now for these guys. Get him out of the air    . there's more on the upper tracks    . ugh .I'll get them. Everyone... Man down   Let's make him pay   Get him out of the..   across the intersection, another one    . on it   Keep him on the ground   One more. Give up, you can't beat us 

                      So last night you learned nuform's getting shipped by train .Then today you attacked the trains .Why   To stop nuform   To steal it   We'll kill you   Man down   Make him pay   You'll never stop the underground   We got you, huh   You okay, mr. Davis   Yeah .Thanks to you. Oh, hey .Here you go. One-year unlimited subway pass. Thanks   Did I get the name right   How did you .Umm .Okay, gotta go   Hold up, mil  days. You remember the combination   Yeah, it's uh .Ah man, it's uh... You're kidding me   Y'all gotta start remembering this code   Not always gonna be around to tell you. We'll remember, we'll remember   "We'll remember" - yeah yeah .Good. Now, uh .What are you gonna put inside this bad boy   Secret time capsule .Only miles and I know. Boom   That's right .Keep it secret .Keep it safe. Hey rick .You gonna take that job at roxxon or   mijo  This isn't like city hall  We're all okay     you stay where it's safe  entiendes  I'll be back soon   And I'll even let you sign my cast  . 

                        okay, ma .Nos vemos en casa   te quiero     miles  I saw what just went down at your mom's rally     you okay  where are you    . I'm headed to braithwaite bridge. There was an explosion   alright  But if roxxon shows up  You run  Got it  they'll look for someone to blame in all this, and it won't just be the tinkerer  . okay .I'll be careful. That explosion looked bad .I gotta hurry    . looks like the plaza was just a warm-up  . or a distraction. Go go go   Woah woah woah woah   Let's not .Shoot each other, alright   We're after the nuform. Igno  you're after krieger .But what do they get out of it .Besides guns   Notoriety. They want to be so well known; they can get away with anything. And you're good with that   I can't take on roxxon alone. C'mon. You need to jump from the crane to the balcony .Show them you're fearless. 

                    They're watching     Through the windows. You have to do this   Come on.. You'll be fine   Gotta do this without giving away I'm spider-man. Come on miles, make it look good   Whoa .Whoa .Whoa   Gotcha   (laughs) so am I officially in the club now   Sure .But .Watch your back. These guys take a while to warm up to new people. Here it is .Where the plan comes together   So, your plan .How does nuform fit in   Krieger's saying you stole a shipment. I stole one canister. I'm making some adjustments .Eh .Don't worry about it. Take today to settle in. Right. Good   You're back. Gavin needs you. Not now   We've got a new recruit. (laugh) fine. Oh man .You built all these   Yeah .Long as the new weapons keep coming .The underground stay loyal.

                     Is that a programmable matter sword     New enemies .New solutions. You mean spider-man, right   This week's most unwelcome surprise. She's not gonna show hi e of jersey   You don't have to protect me. Someone should. (sigh) you know .You said you never finished this tape because of how things went bad between you and dad. What actually happened between you two   It was .Complicated. We were too similar .And .Too different. (sigh) finish the tape .Get all the samples .And you'll hear the whole story .Promise. Alright .Thanks, unc. Trinity church. Remember .Tinkerer's yours .But leave the boy alone. (snoring) alright .Time to call phin   Hope she answers   hi  Spider-man  . phin .Hey .We need to talk .In person   so you can lie to me again    .

                     so I can make this right. Please   Meet me at trinity church. No more lies .I promise    . if you're screwing with me..    . (sigh) fine     I'll see you there  . at least she's willing to meet. Okay .Trinity church .Let's go. That was a hell of a way to tell me you're spider-man   What if I'd killed you     You want me to feel bad because you almost killed me   I want you to stop lying to me   I let you in the underground because I thought you understood. I do understand. What krieger did to rick   Roxxon needs to pay .Not like this. This.. Is the only way I can beat him   I need you to look the other way. Please   I can't. I made a promise. So did I. Why'd you pick here   Your dad brought us .To that concert .7 choirs from 7 countries   Remember   

    Ghana was my favorite. Ghana wasn't there. You're thinking of guinea. Uh no, I'm.. Pretty sure it was ghana. Mmm.. Guinea, belize, poland, cuba... South korea, thailand, venezuela .You're right. I usually am. Usually. (gasp) what     (laughs) ow   Gotta say I'm disappointed, bud. Krieger... Yeah. See, ms. Mason .Kinda knew she was gonna be a handful .But you .I guess I was hoping that.. You and me would see eye to eye. Where are we   (laugh) you're behind the curtain, bud. (laugh) this is .

                Our most.. Secure facility. In here the sausage gets made. You're a real prick, you know that   Huh .You know.. When .Her brother and I were developing nuform   All you did was put your name on the patent. He said the only thing you knew how to do .Was sell other people’s ideas   Yeah, well at least I still got a pulse, babe. But let's not dwell .Right   The first thing we're gonna do .Is I'm gonna... Wow   (laughs) (laughing) that is awesome   Are those involuntary defenses   Oh man that's hot. You see .I'm gonna get that mask off of ya .And I'm gonna find you what makes ya tick .Because you just .Smell like next level bioengineering, and you know what that smells like to me, kid   That smells like money.

                 Okay   I'm gonna hit the gym .Leg day, can't skip it. Get her to tell us where my nuform is .Yeah   Can't really open the plaza without it. Oh, and uh.. Use .Him. Time to finish what we started on the bridge. No cameras now. No   Again   Woah... (gasp) are you okay   They were gonna kill you   Holy shit   Tougher than I look, huh   (laughs) let's find a way out of here. Roxxon kept rhino instead of giving him to the police .It's crazy   Nothing .Ugh.. About roxxon surprises me anymore. You okay   I will be .Once we're out. I'm shutting off security cams. Can you check that computer   What did you find   There's the exit .

                    Through this office. We have to lift the base lockdown first, from the control room. First we need to escape the security wing. I'll go down to the floor .See what we're dealing with. Door's locked. Venom worked in the cell .Should work on the door .If I can find whatever's powering it. Hello    . it's unlocked     I'm headed to the floor  . right above you   that security door is our way out  But I'll have to hack a few terminals to disable the alarm  . I'll handle the security goons. Security cameras are down in the south wing. Rhino probably turned them off. Heard he wanted to question the prisoners. Bet that other guy could get even spider-man to squeal   There's 2 more ahead   Did rhino track them   Nah, he's just a tool. Hey   What was that   Initiating sweep. Way's clear   running a cipher  . once the plaza's done .They'll stop complaining  

     okay  Ready for another computer  . phin .We gotta talk. Blowing up the plaza is a bad idea   so is poisoning the city with an unsafe fuel source  . yeah .But there has to be a better way to deal with roxxon   sometimes strategies are imperfect  Like deciding to lie to your friends     let's just focus on getting out  . fine .But we're gonna talk about this. Shoot on sight   Stay alert   Man down   Target is hostile   Need backup here   Need some cover   Check those corners    . copy, checking position  . alert   We have an intruder   Last chance, spider-man   Surrender   I got a man down    . unit..   that'll leave a mark. Spider-man's here   Stay alert   Okay .I'm shorting the maglock. I need you to trigger the override back there. On it   Looks like some kind of record archive. Wonder what's on these computers. 

                More info on rhino   I know he says he wants out of that suit, but let's face it .The metal onesie is the only reason anybody gives a damn about him. Just upgrade his armor. If we help him smash kid spider .He'll forget all about wanting out. There's nobody this guy won't manipulate. Notes about roxxon independent contractors. We need an outside partner to track tinkerer and spider-man for us. Tombstone's off the grid. Black cat's gone .Straight .Ish. What about the guy in purple   What did he go by   What was his name   Oh, oh.. Yeah . (laughing) yeah .Yeah he'll do. Guy in purple   That.. Can't be. No .No way. Triggering the override   There's a voice memo on here   Sir, the police are asking about rhino. What do we tell them   Our man at the raft is setting up a special "Work release" program. Tell the police rhino's doing .A little community service. Can't believe they got away with this   Door's unlocked .But I need you to force it open. Can do   I can't let them go until I have my nuform   He shouldn't even be here. Your muscle was only supposed to grab the girl. (grunt) yeah.. He doesn't like that. Here's the deal, bud .Spider-man's .

                The best leverage I've got against ms. Mason. I mean .You caught them .Together .Well I mean .You caught them, but it was thanks to your intel, so .Clearly there's something going on there. You agreed to leave the kid alone. Uncle aaron     Ah.. "The kid" .I love how you say that, it's just .So paternal. Let spider-man go .And I'll get your nuform .Feed you underground intel .Whatever you want. See     Leverage   Works every time. Mile .Spider-man   Here's leverage for you .I've seen things .Nuform makin' people sick .What you did to rick mason. If I went public... Yeah, but.. 

    You won't. Here's the deal .You're a wanted thief .Plus all the jobs we've done together   (laugh) bud, you'd be in the cell right next to mine .And.. We both know you're a little too self-serving.. For that. Soooo .We're gonna head in and check on ms. Mason and spider-man .Uh, but .It's .Kind.. Of.. An .Invite.. Only party. Yeah .Bye   Uncle aaron .No   Wait .Do you know that guy   Is that the reason we got captured   No. It's .I knew he worked with roxxon, but I didn't think he'd .He'd sell me out   I can't believe this   You led me into a trap   Why do I keep listening to you     Phin, no .There has to be an explanation   I didn't know this would happen   Just .Save it   Let's keep moving   Can you get this open   Yeah, sure. They initiated a lockdown   That's the control room we have to get into. So, we'll need past those security shutters   got a maintenance panel here, but it needs power  . let me see what I can do.

                 There .Got power    . accessing  Ugh  I can't hotwire the shutters  But I can move machinery  Like that crane  . maybe we can use that. I'll look around   they build engines for their apcs in here  . hey .Crane's over this engine thing, now   engine thing  I've got an idea     can you move the crane back to the assembly line    . yeah   Think I know where you're headed   okay  This laser should activate the engine     ugh.. Crap  laser shorted out  . think I can reroute power. You're good. Use the laser   one laser comin' up    . perfect   If I overcharge the engine, it'll be explosive   and explosive is just what we need to destroy those shutters    . get down    . let's go  almost out    . that's our way out   Give me a few minutes to get it open   Looks like they guessed our plan   Not hard .There's only one exit. Alright .I'll take care of those guards .You get that door open   Ugh.. One thing .Did you ever.. Think about .Calling me.. To tell me you were spider-man   You know .After my parents died .Rick basically.. Had to become my dad. I thought I'd miss having a brother .But I had you. Phin, I... Get this door open   That won't hold forever   Go   I'll be fine, just go    . those guys with the lights on their helmets can spot heat signatures     they'll see you if you try to go invisible  . wonder how much of their r&d department is dedicated to fighting us   probably millions of dollars in untaxed money     you clear the floor; I'll work on overriding security so we can get out     I can still access machinery if you need me to move anything  . you're done   

    Don't know why morales is so against us. You good in there    . yeah, those webs are holding the door     whole base is on alert though, so be careful    . once all the reactors are in .People will stop complaining   rx-99 - report in  rx-99 is mia. Need eyes on him  . huh   Listen .I know you don't trust me..   you're right, I don't  . what can I do to change that    . stop going behind my back  And stop acting like I haven't thought this through     no one will get hurt when I take down the plaza     no one, except roxxon     you know they deserve it  . just .Promise to talk it through with me, okay   I promise to listen. Really listen   I've made up my mind, miles     you need to start accepting that  . then 

                I'm gonna have to stop you. You need to start accepting that   Don't let him escape   They look so peaceful knocked out   I'm through     meet me in the show room on the far side of the assembly line     coming    . looks like they locked the doors. I'll find another way. What if we went public about rick's death   Do you have proof   Because I don't think the word of two vigilantes is gonna convince people. There's gotta be a way. I think that's the exit. Hey   Lot and found. Thanks. I know this place. This is krieger's lab   Krieger has a lab   Mostly for show, but yeah. Rick showed me a photo once. Krieger's lab .Wait   All the current nuform project data's on here   Toxicity reports .Failed safety reviews .And krieger's name's on everything   This would destroy roxxon. Crap   You like my new color   Immune to your little .Zappy pops. Zappy.. Pops     Come on, man... Now .We finish this   You handle rhino, I'll take the guards   You cannot sting me through this suit   Stop resisting   We're detaining you   We need to break his armor   You are .Worthy foe   I will give you a good death. A good death     I think that's his sick version of a compliment. Detain him   Oh my god .He's throwing a tank   Maybe if I charge the engines   

    Guess roxxon didn't plan for exploding engine blocks when they designed your new armor   You need to put him down .Permanently   I'm not gonna kill the guy   That's not how we work. (laughs) that is why you will lose. Get back   That fancy armor's lookin' a little shabby, rhino   His roxxon armor's disabled   You're up   On it   Ready for some zappy pops big guy   I do not .Like you. Don't stop .You're gonna break him   This woman is .Fierce   Wait   Just .Make sure he doesn't do anything. I'll be right back. Krieger's data will shut roxxon down .The right way. You know .Krieger told me how your brother died. (laughing) very amusing   Shut up   (laughs) he also told me .It was your fault   (laughs) krieger updated the reactor .Tried to supercharge it to make his deadline   (sigh) if phin goes through with her plan .Oh my god   Harlem   You watched him die .Helpless. (laughs) (coughs) no, no no   Go to hell. (screams) phin .What the hell... You screwed up.. The bridge   Destoryed my lab   Got me kidnapped  Phin... (coughs) ...Phin, the reactor   Come near me again .I'll kill you   But 

                We're family   My family's dead. Ganke .I need help   I'm gonna go grab a washcloth .Some antibiotics. Alright. Miles   Where have you... (gasp)   pero qué pasó   What are you wearing   I have to tell you something. Phin's attacking the plaza   Yeah. So that was you chasing her through the city .As spider-man   You could have died. No lo puedo creer. Why didn't you tell me, about .Any of this   All those talks we had .How to keep yourself safe .But this   I didn't want you to worry .And the other spider-man's gone, I just keep .Making things worse .And worse. Now I screwed up things with you. Miles .There is nothing .You could ever do .Or ever be that would make me stop loving you. Nada. You give me strength, miles .

    That's all a hero really is .Someone  veryone else   You think you can beat the tinkerer .Roxxon .You can't   I have to try   What's that   You got tricks .Roxxon countered them   I gotta stay away from those things   Didn't your mentor teach you about picking your battles     He taught me to put other people ahead of myself   Throwing yourself at enemies you can't beat .Know who else did that   Don't .Say his name   You want your mom to bury you, too   I won't let you   Holograms   More tech from your buddies at roxxon   I adapt   You can't keep up   You're naive, nephew .Still the kid, looking up to spider-man. No .I'm the kid who knows people a irs. There's the elevator   We've got time to look ar  faster  Come on, rocket buddy   C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'moonnnnn  Go go go go go go go  Gotcha   Found something I'm better at than you   Not for long   Oh   Hey look .Solar mirrors .And sticky on the back   Perfect for tricking a light sensitive lock   I've got the light. 

                Tell me when the sticker's pointed at the sensor, and I'll turn it on. No one's looking at us yet .Gotta hurry   That worked   We did it   Come on .Our project awaits. That was awesome   (sigh) I'm gonna miss doing stuff like this with you. What are you talkin he recent city-wide uprising of the group known as  The underground     while the roxxon corporation deals with a rash of lawsuits  Newly elected city councilwoman rio morales  Addressed the media yesterday to make a plea for additional public funds to assist with the..   vitals are good, circulatory system healthy, 

    um.. Brain activity normal... He's been in there long enough. Mr. Osborne, I understand he's your son, but his disease could... I want him out .Kurt. But we may be underestimating the potential danger... I said .Get him out   Now   Hey all it has been a good week for harlem   Spider-man stopped the tinkerer .Rio morales was elected as city council 

                    Roxxon plaza is closed for good .And Simon krieger is in jail   Boom   Ha   Bonus: I passed my citizenship test.. With flying colors   Still love ya china, gonna miss your candy   Okay .Back to business. In an attempt to save face .Roxxon's board released all of krieger's personal documents. Memos, emails .Real fun stuff. While I'm combing through those docs .And, uh.. Waiting for triple-j to eat crow on air .I'll be playing unreleased, prerecorded casts. Fresh material coming in a few weeks, and in the meantime.Remember to sing to your plants 

    while you water them. Seriously, they love it. Okay byee, see you soon   Listeners .You all know that I pride myself on truth .Integrity .And facts   I've been tough on this new spider-man .Since the disaster on braithwaite bridge .For good reason   The kid.. Screwed things up so bad .Even the original model would have blushed redder than his costume   The classic one, not that .Ugly new thing   But today... ..I must also acknowledge .

                That the city is rallying around this youngster .And .Proclaiming him .Ugh .A hero. Eugh... With an unstable fuel source on the verge of wiping harlem off the map .This youthful spider-man .Reportedly .Stepped in .And saved lives. Or at least that's what his supporters want us to think   The real truth is .That none of this would have happened .If he hadn't donned a ridiculous suit .And started swinging willy-nilly.. Around the city .Performing wreckless acts of violence   Hero    More like .Zero  Ha   Jared, open up the lines. I want to hear from those who agree with me. Jared   I said open up the lines   What do you mean they're open   Well something must be wrong   Folks.. We're.. Having.. Technical difficulties .Please stand by   So I keep hearing irrational raves from .

                Hormonally unbalanced youths Jared's age... Wait, you're how old   Good heavens man, get a real job   ...About this.Friendly neighbourhood spider-man app. They claim this young spider-man can do anything. Ha ha ha   Well... I just used said app .To place an order of saganaki .From my favorite greek restaurant in Astoria   Specifying .I wanted it delivered fresh.And in the traditional greek manner .Set ablaze in front of me   We shall see if our boastful boy spider-man.Can fulfill this. (swoosh) here ya go, mr. Jameson   (placing food on plate) (lighting loud fire) gotta go   (web swing) jared .Call 911 .Spider-man's broken in .And is killing us with fire  

                 I'll be .Darned if this isn't delicious. Go to commercial, jared .I got some feasting to do   Oh, no .You should have ordered your own   This is mine   Mine, jared, out. hey, kid  You asked why me and your dad stopped talkin'     he was investigating the prowler     it led him to my clients  People like simon krieger  Wilson fisk     your dad couldn't afford to make enemies like that  Not with you and rio in the picture  So I told him     hoped he'd back off  And he did  For good     didn't want me around     didn't want you to turn out like me     take care, spider-man  . (sigh) thank you uncle aaron .For everything. Goodbye, phin. 

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