How I Made $11,525 Selling Squid Game Merch
recently my online wikimo store selling squid game masks tracksuits outfits small keychains and even some socks here too has generated 11,525 so far this month and then you can see this is my life dashboard and not some kind of screenshots or so something now I'll show you how to start it completely free so no Shopify no fees no-host fees no domain fees no product costs you do not even have to do have own stock and the payments and delivery system is already automated for you like us a go use strategy called drop shipping but not like your usual Shopify delivery strategy we are going to use woo commerce which is a free open source platform
where you can host your own online store now what I love woocommerce tons of free plugins can automatically import products from aliexpress amazon eBay to list on your own store add makeup and every time you get an order that order is just automated o transferred to aliexpress or amazon and sent to your customer and you only keep commissions if the guy in the middle does literally nothing I also want to show you some interesting statistics here

when I come over to which is a tool with how where we can identify trends around the world and what people are looking for on google and I'm going to search squid games here on google please check out this term here, let me just filter by the United States as it is usually by default on you own set country that you can now see here between October and November
there was a big increase in the fishing game trend, so I thought there must be some way to make money for all the people in the world looking for the term fishing games so what I decided to go do was create an online store that sells squid toys that we can just download from aliexpress now before we start this video I want you to go down to the subscribe button below k on it and make sure you have the notification clock on and also go ahead and follow me here on Instagram
i am posting epic podcast content every single day and also some of my trading results and how you can access me signal groups etc so go and follow me on instagram you can also send me a message over there, but without further ado let's go and continue with the strategy so step number one is to have a woocommerce store that we must have wordpress as woocommerce is a plug in wordpress but to have wordpress we need host but we are not going to pay for hosting, you can go over to a website called here that gives away absolutely free hosting you get your own amount of storage the only thing you need then a domain to link to you to host the domain is basically a link like is that domain linked to a hosting a platform that hosts all the web files on that hosting is basically a computer on the internet you own , so if you come to you can sign up completely free it is free for lifetime there is no free trial no hidden credit card you need to import or anything like it is free for lifetime unlimited bandwidth hosting for your own domain name too then you go for free on the sign click button here
you are just they just require a little information from you so here is where you need to import your domain we are not going to import a com domain I recommend if you do I think ten dollars per year will be worth investing in a dot-com domain because it is the most internationally recognized domain otherwise you can come here and just click transfer, uh otherwise you can come here and click on I will my existing domain use and update my name servers then what you want to do is to get a free domain that you can cross over to freedom I am just looking for freedom here and come to the site that says
gives a name to everyone this site gives free. the domain away so we can go search is we can go and type your fishing games merch dot to, for example, comma dot to click on check availability here to make sure no one else has the domain so it's perfect this domain is available, all you have to do click on pay point what you can see there is no fee required for this domain it is completely free then all you want to do is click on use DNS here and click on use your own DNS server and what you want to do is you want coming over to and just search on google free hosting dot com DNS server click enter here uh how do I update the access points, click here you can see so you are going to copy this paste it here and then you are going to copy ns2.3 paste it here, click on continue and now your domain is already set to link to so all you are going to do is type the same domain name here fishing games dot to click on gear
UK and it will register you free host for your domain to access your listing to which you can come your client area that looks like now I have a hosting package on for which I am currently paying it is exactly the same as free hosting I only use a2 hosting paid hosting because I get like unlimited storage and many more benefits and you want to look on your dashboard for an option that says Cpanel login click on Cpanel login and it will take you to the dashboard area of your hosting where we can woo-commerce store go install and add all our products you want to click on WordPress here under the script section click on install over here and you just want the select link you linked to hosting what is your doctor domain
now I have already installed WordPress so I'm not going to reinstall it all once you have it installed, it's going to look like I'm just coming back here it's going to look like this so you have everything your domains here you just go to click login as admin and it will take you to the dashboard of your WordPress store here the next step comes over to plugins at the bottom left here on the menu bar click on add new under the search bar of plugins go and search woocommerce click on enter and here above it will upload with everyone the plugins or relative plugins to the woocommerce term and here you can see I just need to update WordPress woo commerce will show an install button that looks like this and this is the online platform we are going to use you can see links
here I have products where we new products can add my woocommerce store all my orders analytical marketing tools too so the next thing we want to do is before we just go set up our store we want to go and search on the plugin search bar again dropship and we want to enter click here do you want to install its plugin called and what the drop is shipping and fulfilment for aliexpress and woocommerce so this plugin will allow you to import automatically r products from aliexpress on your own woocommerce store with automated shipping and fulfilling everything as well as billing,
so let me just Update WordPress quickly here so I stopped getting this error, you probably will not have it like your WordPress will do not be by default on a date well so now that my WordPress has been updated, I can install this plugin the plugin you want to install is called express drop shipping for woocommerce by wooshak you want to click install now so we can have it plugin set up on our store to go and import products from aliexpress down here on our own woo-commerce store click on activate so that this plugin is activated on your menu bar you will see there is now an option that says the shark drop sent for express when you click on this plugin it will take you to a page like this you can either import product via its shuffle number or the URL which honestly is the easiest option for you can also have preferences set here and I mean here you can see some products available to import,
these are just a few templates like phones you can literally import into your store at the click of a button so we go and do is we are going to go over to aliexpress here and you want to go and look for squid games so let's go and start with squid game masks over here you can see they sell the squid game mask which is the adult size for three between three dollars eleven and six dollars 48 so you want to do is you want to go click on this product copy the link to this product here come back to your plugin page here and paste the URL and click on import it will automatically fill in the title the description will add all the photos you need the gallery is already here all the reviews you can add your own reviews if you want, you have variations that were already set up for you so your variations will be the circle mask the triangle and the square and then, of course, the main guys mask and then you have specific features here,
so I mean all of it is ready to go, you can go and click import here and it will be done and added to your store, check this out as I look at products under the come woocommerce section and I click on all products it will take me to this page here you can see is my square game mask now all you want to do is edit your price so click on changes here and of course we want to go make a profit on this we are not going to sell the mask at cost price because then we do not make a profit so here if you scroll down and you click on and you click on variations here, you can see you can set your price for the green set red white and black variations so click on your first mask below you selling price your class price is 3.70 so we can go make this 9.99 so that means we uh let's just make regular price 19.99 and make your selling price 9.99 we can do the same for our other mosque uh 1999 for the regional price and your selling price will be 9.99, so that means you
earn seven dollars per sale which is more than 70 profits over here we can again go only 19.99 and 9.99 for your selling price and for the last mask also 19.99 for the regular price it is just like it points to big special so we can go click on save changes here where you want to go and click on publish product here to go live this product without updated prices here you can go see uh let's just wait for it to be published when you open your product, you are all going over here I just open it in a link in a new tab about which you can see here is what my online store looks like so people can go choose for example the triangle above they will then click on add to cart and the site will take over automatically them here to see the basket, so just click on view basket and over here you can not continue to pay and they can pay you either via PayPal eft cash and delivery
if you just want to promote in your local country into a payment gate at to go add we need to get back to WordPress again here click on plugins um and if you want to get paid via PayPal you can go and install a PayPal plugin as I'll show you so just go search here add a new plugin to PayPal click on install the woocommerce PayPal payments and all the instructions will be there to link your PayPal to your payment point where it is literally a step-by-step process just follow the steps and your PayPal will be added automatically, you can also add dash you can also add bitcoin payments if you want you will see here is streak here is the strike payment gate here and you can also go bitcoin for woocommerce just search bitcoin here
if you want to be paid via bitcoin so here you can see the go url bitcoin payment method for woocommerce here so it is ready ready to use all your payment methods is here you can also set up direct eft so what you would do is that you switch to woocommerce come over to settings here and here you can acti directly spring bank transfer and you can activate PayPal payment points here so these are the only two you really need uh directly bank transfers like a bank transfer for global payments to your local bank account um and then you just go to click on save changes here and that payment point that I showed you here and that checkout here will be automatically updated there is no technical loop coding you have to do woocommerce is all one linked system that makes it so easy for you to run your online store then what you can go do is you can go create a meme page for fishing games on Instagram people love me, we take a look at these people here, they are actually doing um they have their own website here where they sell merchandise and they literally create this memes
here, I mean, look at these 20 marbles uh it was like a well, it's not really a meme, it's just like a quote from the movie and this page grew to 51 000 v oglers already I mean here you can see it's just posted from the movie and it's just posted from the series itself and I mean like literally it's just stock photo images you can post something like that and then say link in bio, uh you can do is you can also go create like a fan page as it looks with fan art we also have another fishing game meme page above, we have more uh squid game memes here so you just want to go watch and go watch follow so much meme pages for squid games and you can also use the hashtag here so squid games
let's go ahead with some of squid game hashtags and follow all the pages that squid games post content to look at what it is repeat their content credit they post a few posts use hashtags you can go use a tool called I actually use it for my post hashtag expert click on a reply here it is this first site here point expert and it is a tool where you can actually perform a key word in and it will automatically generate hashtags that are viral at the moment your post will get plus minus 100 extra engagement sometimes when I post with this hashtag tool I get 100 to 200 more likes in the first 20 minutes to an hour's upload from the farm
so the whole idea is that you just want to get traffic to your store once you have placed some posts you may also have placed a post like this that actually promotes your content on which you can display ads you can post some text here say 9.99 for a masked link in the bio you can give a give away say people should like and share your post have a free gift which is a great way to grow your page so the whole idea is that you want to go and literally create an organic Instagram theme page relative to fishing game content that will, of course, make people start following your page on Instagram that will get your sales over time as your page starts to grow, you are going to get more followers more likes
more engagement which means more clicks mean your link and more sales on your online purchases but what I will do is help you, even more, I have a whole drop of mailing playlists on my YouTube channel across all the best drop shipping videos I have made on my youtube channel for the past three years there are plus minus I think 30 to 40 videos on this playlist some of this information I learned in four 500 courses you can now access on my channel here free so I will leave the playlist on the screen somewhere above you can go and click on it it will be a square clickable button so make sure you go on this click playlist here somewhere and I will See you there