How to Make Instagram Video Ad Business

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 Are you ready to start using videos for your Instagram ads? 

    . (air whooshing) The first type of Instagram ad that you should aim to create is an awareness ad. This takes someone from knowing nothing about you to being interested in finding out more. So you don't have to tell them everything, but just enough to where it piques their curiosity. Today we're going to analyze six different Instagram awareness ads specifically so that you can see how these work, and start brainstorming how to use it for your business. When boiled down to the basics, and awareness ad presents a problem and then it has the business that it's creating that ad as the solution to that problem. So the six different ads that we're going to look at all do that. 

      Light and Airy Photography. 

    So this is a very basic image only ad. The image are placed back-to-back to each other, and they tell a story. It is a video ad, even though it's an image-based video ad. So check this out. It's just showing you how with one click, it can make your photos look a lot better. 

    Then it's telling you that it has a sale, and it gives you a coupon code. So one-click magic, check it out. Super simple. They just had to get these photos. They probably already had these photos on their Instagram, and just like that, I'm aware that this is something that exists. It is an option for me. The problem is that my photos don't look good and that they need editing, but editing takes a lot of time. With this, one click, and you're good to go. By the way, here's a sale. (air whooshing). 

    Writers Work App

    , and it incorporates stock footage plus motion graphics. So check this out. (upbeat music) So now we're gonna watch it again, and I'll comment through it. It has some text, get paid to write. Writers are on-demand now. That's probably a stock image. The wait is over. Work from anywhere. You can start today. Take charge of your own work, and then this little graphic comes on screen, be your own boss, click to learn more. 

    So it's talking about how I could get paid to write, that there's a need. There problem is that they need writers so it's really hiring someone, and it's super simple. They didn't even need to shoot anything for this. I highly doubt they went out and captured these shots. I bet you they just googled pretty woman sitting on computer on beach. Right, or whatever it is, and then put this together, hired someone off of Fiverr, or Upwork, to create these graphics. Super simple graphics and then they had and ad out of it. So use stock footage, and motion graphics to create your video. 

    Video Husky. 

    This ad like number two uses stock footage and motion graphics, so let's take a look. (upbeat music) Awesome. Okay, so let's count, one, two images, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. This only has 10 shots and it's all stock images, so if you could pull 10 stock images to present what you do visually, then all you have to do is work on the text element of it. 

    So if we're analyzing the text element of it, it starts off with having tons of footage but needing polished videos while they help solve this problem by doing the editing for me, and it's 100% stress free. You can request as many revisions as possible. They tell me the price, and then they say to learn more, and they say that they'll show me the next step. So they make the action super easy, and all I have to do is click through and learn more. 

    Daily Harvest. 

    Unlike the first two ad, this ad actually did go out and shoot footage, but it could all have been shot in one afternoon. So here's the ad. - [Narrator] Emily hasn't bought groceries in weeks. (cash register dings) So how is she creating this masterpiece? (high pitched electronic music) Her freezer is stocked with Daily Harvest, that's how. Chef-crafted food, organic ingredients, delivered to your door, ready in minutes. 

    See for yourself at - All right, so now we'll go through it together. Let's look at the imagery first. It's a smoothy being poured in. It's stuff in the blender. Try taking a sip of it, pouring out the stuff, in reverse. They reversed that shot. Looking in the fridge. So you can see these shots are nothing spectacular, right? It's just pretty basic. They are shot on a DSLR, they do look really good, but they could have also been shot on an iPhone. Let's count. 

    There's one shot here, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. That's the same shot, 10, 11. Okay, so 11 shots. That's all they needed to present this video together, and then they just added text over it. Then they also narrated the audio so that if I didn't want to read, and I did have the audio on, then I could just listen to it instead of having to read. If you think about 11 shots that can display what you do for your business, then that's all you need. So the problem in this video is that I don't have time to go get groceries. Well you can just order ours, and make a smoothie on your own, and eat delicious food. (air whooshing)


    This is my favorite ad, and I definitely bought this product. It is a strapless bra, so let's check it out. (upbeat music) So super simple. Can your strapless bra do this? No, mine could not at the time of watching this video, but it can now. So any girl knows strapless bras fall down very easily. They can be really frustrating, and it's just a total pain to have to pack it if you just need it for one occasion. 

    So being able to roll it up like that is super cool, and they make it really fun and engaging. It's not that hard to shoot. This girl is just dancing around in it. It's not falling down. They are really doing a good job of presenting the problem here. Let's count the number of shots. Let's wait for it to start over. We'll start over. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, that's it, okay. 

    We're kind of noticing a pattern here. It's between seven to 11 clips is all that you need to make up this Instagram ad. They can be super short, and we have a tendency to overthink them. Just think of a storyline that you can tell your audience about what you do visually in seven to 11 shots. You're seeing a pattern here. Add text over it, and you'll be good to go.

      Vessi Footwear. 

    I could be wrong, but to me this ad looks like they took a ton of different footage that they had shot before, and they just combined it into one video. With that, let's take a look. (dramatic orchestral music) So now let's walk through it together. They're talking about, are you tired of wet socks? Socks, that's the problem. 

    This is the first waterproof shoe, so they're announcing that this is a thing, right? And the awareness element of it. Keep your feet dry wherever you go, and they're showing several different shots of this. They include photos, leave the rubber boots at home. That really stood out to me, keep your feet dry, because what cool technology if you don't have to wear rain boots anymore, and you can just wear waterproof shoes. 

    That's super cool, right? So let's count. This is one shot at the beginning, another, two, three, several photos, four, five, several photos, six. I believe that's it. Yeah, so that last one was really long. So that was six photos incorporating several different image shots as well that they probably already had on their Instagram, so you can see once again, choose between seven to 10. Maybe add some photos in there. Add some text, talk about the problem that your customers are facing to hit just enough what they need to know to find out more, and you're good to go. (air whooshing) 

    Which ad did you like best? Wouldn't that be pretty cool? I think so. (bleep) When boiled down to the basics, an awareness ad takes someone from five different ads, six different ads. Ad number one is by One Click Magic. Is that what they're called, no. Oh I need to hit screen record, okay. Ad number six is by Vessi Footwear. Hopefully I'm saying that right. This ad looks like they have shot tons of different videos throughout. The light totally just changed in it. Oh man (chuckles). 


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